As a certified debt management plan provider, APFSC can manage your creditor payments with significantly lower interest rates provided by your creditors, through a debt management plan.  A DMP provides the bill payment assistance to allow you to save thousands in interest and help you get out of debt significantly faster.

The average household in the US has over $15,000 in debt not including a mortgage, and pay almost $1000 in interest fees every year*.

A quick call with a credit counselor will provide you with an estimated plan detailing your future savings and the length of time in a debt management program.

*Based on a 2019 study conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of NerdWallet

Please help us support local families in need.

Why give?

APFSC is a nonprofit agency that depends upon the support of the community to provide homeless families or families at risk of homelessness with tools and education to maintain self-sufficiency. The primary goal is to move families in crisis to stability.

All donations remain in our community to help local families. We are proud to report that 90% of donations go directly to support programs and services.

Additionally, APFSC makes every effort to respect our donors and their information.

Your support will have a lasting impact.

our financial or in-kind gift will help a family find a stable home and raise their children in a safe environment.

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